Grateful Acknowledgment to Our Reparations Payees & Administration Fund Donors
Agnes Cairns
Allison Yacht
Amanda Flores
Amanda Fuller
Andrew Pomerville
Anne Brereton
Bea Sousa
Ben Rumbaugh
Bessie Roper
Betty Sanford
Bree Yednock
Brian Keillor
Building Communities for Success Inc
Chris Worland
Cynthia Kruska
Debra Bennett and Marcus Cheatham
George Thorton
Greta Kruse
Heidi Thornley
Institute of Ubuntu
Jack & Peggy Roberts
Janet Chegwidden
John Smith & Susan E Waltz
Julie Drenth
Karen Harris-Parham
Katherine L Hickner
Kathleen Assiff
Kristan Small
Kristina Schmidgall
Lynn Herrick
Lynn Lammers
Lynn and Randy Scott
Marge Weldon
Margot Smith
Megan Pearson
Peter Signell
R O Mitts
Renaissance Charitable giving Foundation
Renee and Bob Swanson
Rev. Neal Anderson
Ross Yednock
Sarah Allen
Sharon Ketchum
Sheryl Mase
Suzanne Elms
Sycamore Creek United Methodist Church
Thomas E McCurdy (In Memory of Lynn S. McCurdy)
Tim and Aspen Bernath-Plaisted
Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lansing
Vicki and Tom Potter
Victoria Hoelzer-Maddox
Virginia Goatley
All Saints Episcopal Church
Alma College
Amanda Hayhoe Kruger
Ann Graves
Annie & David Foreman
April Allison
Ben Rumbaugh
Bessie Roper
Betsy Sneller
Bradley & Krista Heuett
Bree Yednock
Curlada Eure Harris
Cynthia Kruska
David & Carol Baker
Davonte Montgomery
Deborah Feltz
Dedria Humphries & Michael Barker
Dolly Cairns
Economic Justice Alliance of Michigan
Edgewood United Church of Christ
Elda Keaton
First Presbyterian Church of Holt
First Presbyterian Church of Lansing
Gregory Eaton
Gretchen Smith
H. Lynn Jondahl & Judith M. Martin
Jack & Peggy Roberts
Jack Smith & Susan Waltz
Janet Chegwidden
Joan Bauer
John & Betty Sanford
Julia Miller
Julie Reincke
Katherine Hanson
Kathleen Johnston-Calati
Kathy Fore
Lasandra Jones
Laura C. Gourlay & John W. Petra
Linda Covey
Mandela Washington Fellows
Marcus Cheatham & Debra Bennett
Mary Lee Hultin
Mary Takahashi
Maxie & Carrie Jackson
Michael & Dee Malone
Mike Bryan
Myron Frierson
Nancy Gunn
One Love Global
Peter Wood
Phillip & Ginger Ogilvie
Phyllis Nix
Presbyterian Women
R. O. Mitts
Rachel Diskin
Red Cedar Friends Meeting
Refreshology, LLC
Rev. Samuel Duncan
Rex Hauser
Ross Yednock
Ruthanne Harrington
Sara Horace
Sarah E. Allen
Sharon Ketchum
Stanley Jenkins
Stephen & Nicola Findley
Steve & Sallie Campbell
Sue Emmert
Sycamore Creek Church Eastwood
Tyrone Sangster & B. Surae Eaton
Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing
Victoria Hoelzer-Maddox
William & Deborah Bowman
Seven Anonymous Supporters